sage.database.hbase package


sage.database.hbase.connector module

sage.database.hbase.iterator module

class sage.database.hbase.iterator.HBaseIterator(connection, table, row_key, pattern)

Bases: sage.database.db_iterator.DBIterator

A HBaseIterator scan for results

has_next() → bool

Return True if there is still results to read, False otherwise

last_read() → str

Return the index ID of the last element read

next() → Optional[Dict[str, str]]

Return the next solution mapping or None if there are no more solutions

sage.database.hbase.utils module

sage.database.hbase.utils.build_row_key(s: str, p: str, o: str) → str

Build a row key from a triple of RDF terms


Hash a RDF Term to encode it as as key

Module contents